Innovative spaces and pedagogies for enhanced teaching and learning
The rise in tuition fees over recent years has made delivering value to students increasingly important, placing renewed spotlight on the quality of teaching and learning spaces within higher education. A recent forum event, hosted by FaulknerBrowns Architects, explored how innovative teaching and learning spaces could support radical new pedagogies.
Data-driven approaches to teaching excellence
Jisc is developing a service allowing universities that don’t routinely collect and analyse learning data to begin to do so. Jisc's Phil Richards writes in Universities Business how learning analytics already offer a practical way to demonstrate student engagement and could bring more benefits in the future.
Investing in teaching can create a more efficient university
Good teaching can have a positive impact on a university’s efficiency levels. Lucy Haire of the Higher Education Academy explains the benefits of investing in good teaching.
A new website is born for changing the learning landscape
The Leadership Foundation has launched an area on its website dedicated to the HEFCE-funded project Changing the Learning Landscape, which will highlight technology enhanced learning activities in specific universities as well as tools that can be used to support these developments.
Only connect: UCL’s vision for greater synergy between research and education
Institutions across the world are increasingly looking at fresh possibilities of making connections between their research and students educations. Dilly Fung explains three new, interrelated initiatives at UCL that are designed to make research and education inspire and strengthen each other.
Eight lessons from the private sector for universities investing in technology-enhanced learning
Universities are increasingly investing in technology-enhanced learning, but education consultant Peter Chatterton writes that to get the maximum benefit from this investment, they should learn from experiences beyond the sector.
How is the sector engaging students?
The sector is supporting student engagement and enhancing students’ learning experiences in a number of ways. Hefce's Ellie Clewlow describes some of the latest innovations.
Technology-enhanced learning for efficiencies and enhancement
Technology is helping to make the staff / student relationship more productive. Sarah Davies of Jisc reports on how universities are embracing technology to improve learning and teaching, with the help of students.
Value me not my money: why students are key to good decision making
The notion of the student as a consumer is one that is gaining popularity. But NUS vice president (higher education) Megan Dunn says universities need to start seeing students as full members of their community who should play an active role in it, rather than customers, easily impressed by shiny new buildings.
How technology is making HE teaching more effective
Has 2014 been a good year for technological innovation in higher education teaching and learning? Seven higher education technology experts, including Jisc futurist Martin Hamilton, discuss developments in University Business.