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An efficient solution to researchers’ identity crisis

Next week’s Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) annual conference will include a session on how universities are implementing the ORCID researcher identifier. Ahead of the event, Jisc’s Verena Weigert explains how ORCID is enabling more effective research management.
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The Procurement Journey: a ‘how to’ guide from HEPA

The Procurement Journey gives procurement professionals and wider institutional buyers access to a comprehensive 'how to' guide to procurement, including a wealth of useful materials, standardised documentation, up-to-date legislation information, and references to appropriate external advice websites. It has been professionally reviewed, and is now available online for use across the sector.

Working for a smarter, stronger sector: efficiency and effectiveness in higher education progress report...

Progress report on efficiency and effectiveness in higher education - Universities UK November 2013

Strategic sourcing in UK universities: becoming ‘intelligent customers’

Universities are beginning to discover the benefits of new business models in their dealings with suppliers, say researchers at the University of the West of England. They argue that institutions should become ‘intelligent customers’, which will involve investment in new skills, changes in culture and raising the profile of procurement and supply professionals.

AUDE updates its toolkit for sustainable estates

An updated version of the Model of Estates Costs has been published by AUDE, which feeds into its toolkit providing guidance for a sustainable estate. The toolkit, which is backed by a number of higher education funders, was put together to improve the tools available to institutions for the management of space in the sector.
Adrian Cox

Using to make research equipment more discoverable

Adrian Cox, based at the University of Southampton, is project manager for, an EPSRC funded project in response to the need to improve visibility and utilisation of UK higher education research equipment. We sat down for a ten minute chat with Adrian to find out exactly what is all about and how it’s creating opportunities for efficiencies among institutions UK wide.

Model letter of agreement – facilities sharing

Model agreement for sharing facilities between institutions, developed jointly by Cambridge University and the Association of University Practitioners.

Universities Scotland: Working smarter – progress report 2013

This report from Universities Scotland reviews progress against the action plan developed by the Universities Scotland Efficiencies Taskforce in 2012. It reflects on the success of the sector across four themes: procurement, shared services and business process improvement, estates management, and ICT.
Report of the Universities Scotland Efficiencies Taskforce 2015

Scottish efficiency strategy ‘on course’ says taskforce chair

The second three-year efficiency strategy for higher education in Scotland is on course and already delivering results, Professor Sir Ian Diamond says in a document marking the end of the strategy’s first year.

Developing the next generation – Brunel University

A guidance and good practice resource for the leadership development of early career researchers and academics, based on a research project funded by the Leadership Foundation's Innovation and Transformation Fund.