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HEPA procurement training now available

The Higher Education Procurement Academy (HEPA)’s programme of face-to-face training is now available to book on the HEPA website.

See the human factor as an opportunity: five ideas for leading transformation

As universities seek innovative approaches to delivering services, there's a vital role for leadership in successful engagement and change, says Mark Pegg of the Leadership Foundation who offers five ideas for leading transformation.

HE’s financial health… and a missed opportunity

Procurement - why no mention of it in HEFCE's latest report on the financial health of the higher education sector? asks Andy Davies, Director of London...

University procurement: not a sexy subject, but essential for our future

University procurement is not a sexy subject, says vice chancellor Nick Petford, but it's time it became a bigger talking point if the sector...

University finance: how should we judge value for money? Guardian live chat 7 February

How should universities deliver value for money and maintain their values? Read the comments on our live chat session held on the Guardian Higher Education Network on 7 February.

Saving universities millions a year in online subs

Subscription fees for software and other online resources can amount to a substantial sum for universities. Eduserv’s Jenny Carroll explains how its licences for these products help higher education budgets to go further.

Procurement training opportunities: for all staff who buy goods and services

Do you buy goods and services at your university? If so, you might be interested in this range of opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge offered by HEPA, LUPC and SPCE.

‘Strategic sourcing in UK HEIs: assessing the options’: lunch-time seminar 2 July 2014

Dr Wendy Phillips and Dr Dharm Kapletia of the Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, will present the findings of a study investigating the sourcing strategies and practices of UK Higher Education Intuitions (HEIs), funded by the Innovation and Transformation Fund. When: Wednesday, 2nd July, 2014 Time: 12:30 - 13:30pm Location: Schofield Buidling A.2.03, Loughborough University A buffet lunch will be provided.
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HEPA helps universities improve their procurement expertise

Caroline Blackman-Edney, Chair of the BUFDG Procurement Professionals Group, tells University Business magazine that, “As procurement raises its profile within an institution, more departments within it will rely on procurement expertise. Building the capacity to offer these services should be key to a university’s wider risk management strategy. HEPA provides tools which enable personnel to achieve this.”

Dear Nick: 30% collaborative spend is vital – and GeM can help

Your focus on encouraging universities to move towards the magical Diamond Report figure of 30% collaborative spend is hugely important. What is more, it is already happening because of one sector-defining tool: GeM. So said Richard Haggerty in his open letter to Nick Petford, following his keynote speech at COUP on 9 - 11 September in Liverpool.