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Efficiency Exchange

Efficiency Exchange

Reducing your ICT energy costs – Jisc guidance published

With UK universities and colleges spending £147m a year in ICT-related energy costs, making financial savings is essential and can have environmental benefits. Reducing your ICT energy costs is one in a series of guides around green ICT produced by Jisc.
Contract signature

Five ways in which framework agreements are delivering efficiencies for higher education

Framework agreements are designed to maximise third party expenditure within the higher education sector. These case studies show how frameworks are being used in higher education to drive efficiency and ensure maximum value for money.

Continuous improvement – change for the better: Manchester, 27 May

This event focuses on the need to not only maintain but improve service delivery and will explore the theories and practicalities involved within a continuous improvement programme. Speakers include Emma Thomas, the lead for Higher Education at Improving Quality Together .
Times Higher Education

Sector’s surpluses come under the spotlight

During 2013-14, UK universities generated surpluses totalling £1.2bn, up 12.6% year-on-year, according to the Times Higher Education's annual healthcheck. But university administrators are warning that these surpluses will be vital for funding future demands for capital spending as the challenges ahead mount up.
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Higher education data project to focus on the student journey

Open data's role in helping institutions and students understand more about the journey through higher education will be the main focus of a project to demonstrate the value of open data to universities, Universities UK policy researcher William Hammonds has revealed in a blogpost.

A new website is born for changing the learning landscape

The Leadership Foundation has launched an area on its website dedicated to the HEFCE-funded project Changing the Learning Landscape, which will highlight technology enhanced learning activities in specific universities as well as tools that can be used to support these developments.
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Video: 15 different perspectives of efficiency in higher education

Watch leading figures in higher education offer their thoughts on the efficiency agenda in these brief interviews (above) recorded at March’s 4th Annual Efficiency in Higher Education Conference.

In pictures: the fourth Efficiency in Higher Education Conference

The fourth Efficiency in Higher Education Conference on 25 March brought together some of the individuals working to make higher education more efficient and effective to share their experiences and knowledge with others. Here are some images from the day.

Three posts on efficiency from leading speakers at last week’s conference

The 4th annual efficiency conference was held on Wednesday 25 March, with more than 20 speakers from across the higher education sector. Here are three blogposts written for Efficiency Exchange by three of the star speakers from the Universities UK event.

Efficiency Effectiveness and Value for Money report 2015

The Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money report develops a new agenda for efficiency, effectiveness and value for money in higher education. It presents evidence, analysis and recommendations arising from a review of the sector led by Professor Sir Ian Diamond and coordinated by Universities UK in partnership with a wide range of sector organisations.