‘Strategic sourcing in UK HEIs: assessing the options’: lunch-time seminar 2 July 2014


Dr Wendy Phillips and Dr Dharm Kapletia of the Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, will present the findings of a study investigating the sourcing strategies and practices of UK Higher Education Intuitions (HEIs), funded by the Innovation and Transformation Fund.

When: Wednesday, 2nd July, 2014

Time: 12:30 – 13:30pm

Location: Schofield Building A.2.03, Loughborough University

A buffet lunch will be provided.

The research team engaged with senior managers from UK HEIs as well as public, private and independent expert bodies to capture lessons learnt from sourcing processes and develop a Strategic Sourcing Toolkit. The toolkit is designed to help senior managers in higher education analyse and plan procurement in a way that supports their institution at a strategic level.

The session summarises the main findings of the Strategic Sourcing Survey, carried out in partnership with British Universities Finance Directors Group, presenting the views of senior executives and managers involved in sourcing decisions and an overview of the current state-of-play. The final report of the project is freely available for UK HEIs to download.

Speaker Biographies:

Dr Wendy Phillips is an Associate Professor at the Bristol Business School, UWE. Her area of interest is in public procurement, supply chain relationships and the management of innovation. Prior to her current position, Wendy worked at the Centre for Research in Strategic Purchasing and Supply (CRiSPS) at the University of Bath School of Management where she undertook research for a range of public and private sector organisations such as the NHS, Welsh Assembly Government, Rolls Royce, BNFL and TRW. Wendy was a member of the Healthcare Industries Task Force which brought together Industry and Government leaders together to develop a plan of actions to stimulate science and industry in the UK.

Dr Dharm Kapletia is a Senior Research Fellow at the Bristol Business School, UWE. His area of interest is in strategic management, public sector transformation, and management of innovation in complex products and systems environments. He holds a PhD from the Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge and an MSc with Distinction in Technology and Innovation Management from SPRU, University of Sussex. Dr Kapletia continues to work closely with government and industry on various procurement and innovation related projects and programmes. He has worked with organisations such as the Department for Transport, Ministry of Defence, Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems, Novartis and Hewlett-Packard.

The seminar is hosted by the Centre for Global Sourcing and Services at Loughborough University. The centre undertakes independent research on the trends and practices in global sourcing of IT and business services and to improve sourcing practices through on-going engagement with managers and policy makers.

To book your place, contact Stephanie Lambert S.Lambert@lboro.ac.uk.