Three posts on efficiency from leading speakers at last week’s conference

A lively discussion between Bob Rabone, of the University of Sheffield, Nolan Smith of Hefce, Dr Ghazwa Alwani-Starr of AUDE and the University of London's Chris Cobb focused on delivering the efficiency agenda.
The 4th annual efficiency conference was held on Wednesday 25 March, with more than 20 speakers from across the higher education sector. Here are three blogposts written for Efficiency Exchange by three of the star speakers from the Universities UK event.

Leading the efficiency agenda

Alison Johns, chief executive of the Leadership Foundation, challenged delegates to capture people’s “imagination and excitement” when trying to encourage culture change. Read her post on the role of leadership in the efficiency agenda.

New Hefce-funded project models costs and benefits of sharing services

The workshop on FX Plus, the shared services delivery partner of Falmouth University and the University of Exeter, was a sell-out. Those who weren’t lucky enough to be in the room can read project manager Simon Perks’ blog about an exciting new project to measure, analyse and model the costs and benefits of collaboration between UK higher education institutions.

The procurement challenge: three years on

Nick Petford, vice chancellor at the University of Northampton, brought the day to a close with a stirring speech on leading the delivery of a radical new vision for a university campus. Earlier this year, in his capacity of head of Procurement UK, he blogged for us about the challenges for universities in procurement.