Introduction to HE procurement: the first of five new e-learning courses from HEPA

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The Higher Education Procurement Academy (HEPA) will launch 5 new procurement e-learning courses on 30 July. They offer a cost effective way to develop the skills of a central procurement team and staff who are not part of the central team, but who have procurement in their role. Each course is delivered in an interactive way, with a combination of slides, audio, video, interactive quizzes and links to valuable resources.

The first course is an introduction to HE procurement. It looks at the importance of effective procurement, processes and the spectrum of activities in HE, how to manage competition issues, the support mechanisms and considers how an HEI can focus strategically on procurement.

The other four courses are:

  • Legislative Changes – the Bribery Act
  • Supplier Due Diligence and Risk Management
  • Cost Modelling
  • Spend Analysis


A 12 month institution licence for each module costs £160 and to purchase all 5 modules will cost £800. Please note this a licence for your institution, not per individual – meaning you can allow any number of your colleagues to access this tool. We hope that this allows as many people as possible who work with procurement to have access to this great learning resource.

There is also a special launch offer which gives you access to all 5 courses for the price of 4. This means your 12 month licence for all 5 modules will cost £640, but this offer is only open until 30 September 2014, so be sure to sign up now.

The courses will be available on 30 July, but you can place your order now.