It’s a Brave New World for student services

Brave New World - AMOSSHE Conference 2014

The higher education landscape in the UK has changed so rapidly in recent years that Student Services professionals feel like they’re exploring a brave new world, full of challenges and opportunities. So AMOSSHE, the Student Services Organisation, has chosen ‘Brave New World’ as the theme for its 2014 conference which takes place in Manchester 16-18 July.

AMOSSHE members shape and support the student experience, which can encompass everything from encouraging widening participation through advice and support about finance, mental health and disabilities, to employability. To help them support such a wide arena of student life, Student Services professionals value the shared good practice, networking and inspirational work of peers that the AMOSSHE conference brings to the fore.

The conference will navigate this brave new world by pursuing three main paths:

  • Strategy – how do Student Services respond to changes in external, national and international policy?
  • Technology – how do Student Services respond to the changing technological landscape?
  • People – how do Student Services respond to changing student demographics and demands?

Peter McCaffery

AMOSSHE is very excited to announce that the first keynote speaker for Brave New World will be Professor Peter McCaffery, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, London Metropolitan University. Peter will be taking a view from the top to survey the changing higher education landscape, drawing on his extensive experience of academic leadership, change management, equality and diversity and innovation in the curriculum and student support.

Peter will be the first of four inspirational keynote and plenary speakers at the conference.

Find out more about Brave New World, the 2014 AMOSSHE conference.