Strategic Sourcing in Higher Education – Survey


Senior managers involved in strategic sourcing decisions within UK higher education institutions are invited to participate in a HEFCE and Leadership Foundation funded research project. This will be of interest to vice chancellors, chief finance officers, finance directors and heads of procurement.

Please complete our survey and help to strengthen “intelligent customer” decision-making capability in UK higher education.

Following the findings of the UK Government’s Operational Efficiency Programme in 2009, Policy Exchange report in 2010 and Diamond Report in 2011, we are investigating how the adoption of different sourcing models can deliver greater economic, efficiency and effectiveness benefits.

Our research findings and tools are intended to provide guidance to the sector and will be disseminated through our research partners, and posted on-line in late 2013, to be freely available to download at the Efficiency Exchange.

Responses will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be handled by research staff and the BUFDG administrator. All data will be anonymised when released and no personal or individual institutional details will be disclosed in any of our research outputs.

More details about the project

If you complete this survey by July 31st 2013 we will enter you into our draw to win one of three £50 Amazon voucher prizes!

Many thanks in advance for your time!

Contact Dr Dharm Kapletia
or Associate Professor Wendy Phillips