Employee engagement toolkit for higher education

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UCEA and UHR have worked in partnership to develop a toolkit on employee engagement specifically for the HE sector.

The project was jointly funded by the two organisations, procuring the consultancy support of the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) who are experts in the field of engagement. The resultant toolkit will support senior managers who work in member institutions of UCEA and UHR (which include all UK HEIs) in improving employee engagement levels.

The toolkit is available for member institutions to access through the UCEA website. By resourcing the toolkit development centrally on behalf of members, UCEA and UHR have provided an efficient means of institutions accessing high quality, practical and HE-tailored resources on employee engagement.

Several research sources have shown that employee engagement is a key driver of performance and effectiveness. Although lot of research has been conducted in this area in recent years, it can be difficult to navigate the findings to identify the key learning points that will help employers to improve employee engagement. The toolkit distils the salient points from research and from practitioner experience into a set of practical guides, resources and case studies.

Professor Julie Lydon, Vice Chancellor of the University of South Wales, chaired the project group and has commented on the toolkit:

‘Employee commitment is vital to meeting student and other HE stakeholder expectations and satisfaction and without an engaged workforce HE will not meet the significant challenges currently facing the sector. For this reason I warmly welcome the initiative taken by UCEA and UHR to commission a joint toolkit on employee engagement, which will be a sector resource for many years to come.’

The toolkit can be found on the UCEA website.  Members can access the toolkit by logging on with their usual user account details.  Colleagues at UCEA and UHR member institutions without existing website user accounts can register for access to the Toolkit by emailing toolkit@ucea.ac.uk

Nicola Carter is Senior Employee Relations Adviser, UCEA