Let’s talk about efficiency

We’ve brought the service online quickly to start the conversation with you – but keep in mind that this is a work in progress.

Right then, let’s kick off with vice chancellor Nick Petford who says that higher education is a funny old game. Nick also points out that procurement is not a sexy subject, but is essential for the future of higher education.

If you didn’t see it the first time around, here is Professor Ian Diamond’s useful overview of why efficiency in higher education is such a hot topic.

Stephen Butcher of Hefce gives a lightning tour of shared services and how they can help improve efficiency. And Benchmarking can be a key to achieving efficiencies, says Chris Hale of Universities UK, who also highlights new work UUK is doing in this area.

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We’d also like to hear your views on the priorities, challenges and opportunities in delivering efficiency at your institution. Help us to shape the Efficiency Exchange service to meet your needs by taking our survey – it takes less than 10 minutes.